31 Jul 2018

3 Global Trends and Predictions in Digital Marketing in 2019

As the years go by, we have begun to observe the many changes that technology has made towards how we live – especially in the way we communicate. As a result, marketers around the world have tapped on the potential of technology to shape the way they market their content to audiences today. Digital marketing is now bringing organisations closer to their audiences than ever before. Of the many trends to be observed in this aspect of marketing, here are three major ones to look out for in 2019:
Video will Become Even More Essential
According to digital marketing expert James McQuivey, it is estimated that “a single minute of video content is the equivalent of 1.8 million words”, which proves the importance of video in the future of marketing. It has also been predicted that by 2019, 80 per cent of content found online will be video.
This form of content are popular for many reasons, with a few being:

  • Videos are great for capturing facts and presenting them in bite sizes
  • Videos are shared more frequently and easily than text information.
  • Videos allow viewers to retain information easily
Mobile Marketing will Continue to Rise
Social media has become a popular platform for advertisers to display ads, increasingly on sites such as Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram, but less on Twitter. A report by Facebook and IHS Technology has predicted that by 2020, media buyers would have spent USD 84.5 billion on mobile advertising, whereby 75.9 per cent of the global digital ad spend will be accounted for by mobile marketing.

Ads that target consumers based on specific locations and interests, in particular, will be gaining full speed. Location-targeted mobile ad spend will grow from $12.4 billion in 2016 to $32.4 billion in 2021. Marketers are advised to equip themselves with the skills required for such forms of targeting.
Consumers will Have More Say in Information Selection
The speed of technological development has granted consumers greater excess to information at their fingertips. The role consumers play in marketers’ decisions will be even bigger in 2019 as compared to a decade ago. Consumers choose what they want to be shown and marketers are given a more pressing task of tailoring content according to their needs and preferences, and not spamming an overload of loose and general information. Consumers will also have the right to choose what they do not want to see, while privacy is a concern in an increasingly connected marketing world.
To capitalise on digital marketing is to identify the needs of your business, and shrewdly selecting the best platforms to maximise on ROI and deliverables. Digital marketing can serve as a double-edged sword; market content unfocusedly and it will simply result in high-cost, high- energy, and low returns. Best to proceed ambitiously, but wisely.

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