02 Apr 2018

3 Ways To Get Ahead In Finance

Want to get ahead of your competition at work? The hard truth is that there are no shortcuts in life and at the workplace, but here are a few things that are within your power to help you get ahead in finance!   

Be Technologically Savvy
With MAS rolling out its ITM plans last year, it is even more pertinent now than ever to hone or master basic technology skills that are relevant to your current role. This means, being professionally certified in basic computer programs like ​Microsoft Excel​, Basic Accounting​ or commonly used financial reporting softwares. Apart from just giving you an edge when at an interview, with how fast technology is moving, you will be able to build on these skills and pick up newer ones faster.

Adopt Lifelong Learning
Building on the previous point, with how fast technology is changing, adopting lifelong learning is the only way to ensure that you succeed in climbing the corporate ladder and remain relevant in the competitive workplace. Go for that refresher course, read that self-help book, take initiative to ​attend an online course​ and lastly, do not be afraid to ask questions at work - regardless of how simple it might sound to you.

Brush Up On Analytical Skills
Not only is having analytical skills central to any role in finance, but because you are dealing with and processing data, having a sharp mind and understanding how to read them is essential. It is only if you possess the relevant analytical skills to read the data and know exactly how to make it work for you, will it then prove to be useful. And by that train of logic, for you to succeed in your role. 
However, analytical skills here do not only mean that if you are able to solve a finance based problem, but also being able to handle unforeseen management issues efficiently. The hard truth is that if you are on the middle management level​, you should be looking at solving other issues that can range from manpower issues, to workflow and inter-department communications with a calm mind and some ease.
For more self-help articles that seek to inspire, head on over ​here​. But if you are looking to set your finance career on the fast track, here​ are some courses to help you with just that!