30 Oct 2015

What Should I Take Note of as a Mature Student?

Regardless of how old you are, we’re glad you’ve decided to commence your studies. The decision to do so couldn’t be made at a better time, given the Government’s enhanced support for Singaporeans to upgrade themselves.
This support comes in the form of initiatives such as SkillsFuture. Singaporeans are given the resources to grow personally and professionally, regardless of their age and career status. This gives mature workers the impetus to explore learning opportunities to enhance their knowledge and skillsets.
If you are one of those who have decided to take up a new course after being in the workforce for a while, there are some things you need to be prepared of. Here are some of them.
Classmates with Differing Needs
Whichever institution you enrol in, be prepared to have a diverse mix of classmates. Some of them may be comparatively younger, having only spent a short time away from the academic environment. Others may be midway through their careers. And then there are those who have decided to embark on an education journey at the end of their career or during their retirement.
This means that group projects will be challenging to plan for, given the necessity to accommodate to everyone’s differing schedules. You have to be prepared to adopt a give-and-take mindset when planning for group projects.
Negative Feelings
As a mature student, you would probably have spent quite some time away from the academic environment. It might be challenging for many to regain momentum in studying. As such, be prepared to feel weary in the middle of lessons, or overwhelmed by looming assignment deadlines.
A common fear among mature students is the inability to grasp theoretical concepts as quickly as their younger counterparts. However, seek comfort in the fact that your mind will only become more agile the more you train it. So the last thing to do is give up in times of difficulty. It might help to read up on study techniques and adopt them to your study methods.  
Struggle to Balance Work, Life, and Studies
If you are taking up a course while you are still working, you’d eventually find it a challenge to balance your work, family commitments, and studies. But as a testament to the feasibility of this arrangement, countless numbers of working students have braved through the storm. Always remember that the sacrifices you make today will reap bountiful rewards tomorrow.
The institution you enrol into will be well accustomed to the needs of mature students. Seek help from faculty staff when you encounter difficulties, for they are probably quite aware of the challenges facing mature students. Find out about the resources you can tap into to make your course a more pleasant journey. For instance, find out how to gain access to online libraries that will aid you in your research projects!
At the end of the day, time management is of utmost importance. If it helps, reach your office half an hour earlier to plan your tasks for the day. Sometimes all it takes is some forward planning in order to meet your work and study goals efficiently.