15 Jun 2015

How Your Polytechnic Diploma Prepares You for University

As young, bright-eyed individuals fresh out of secondary school, many of us have faced the common dilemma of whether to venture onto the Junior College (JC) or Polytechnic path for the next phase of our life.

Most students only consider a Polytechnic education as a means to gain the relevant skills and industry exposure so that they can get a head-start in their careers.

In actuality, a Polytechnic diploma also effectively prepares you for a University education. With a Polytechnic education, students can enter University well-equipped for an enriching educational experience.

Stronger Foundations and Enhanced Understanding

The practical skills and knowledge you acquire through industry projects and hands-on lessons from your Polytechnic education will give you an edge when pursuing a degree – especially one in the same field as your diploma.

Most overseas universities as well as an increasing number of local universities are willing to take in Polytechnic students because of their strong foundations in core modules. In addition, Polytechnics offer internship programmes that immerse students in the real working world for a deeper understanding of their respective fields. Some Polytechnics even make it a compulsory graduation criteria. For instance, students from Republic Polytechnic are required to undergo either 16 or 20 compulsory weeks of internship in order to officially attain their diploma.

Having such programmes in place exposes Polytechnic students to invaluable experiences that will thus enhance their understanding of the theoretical concepts taught at University.

Advanced Standing on Degree Programmes

A diploma does not solely build students’ foundations in various core concepts. It provides graduates with an opportunity to gain an advanced standing on their degree programmes as well.

Today, most Universities allow diploma holders a direct entry into their second or even third year programmes, if they have achieved the required degree modular credits in their diploma modules.

Curtin Singapore is one notable example. The University grants Polytechnic graduates up to 12 exemptions (equivalent to 50 percent of the total necessary credits) depending on the number of credits they’ve fulfilled. Even graduates who choose to pursue a degree in an unrelated course can benefit from this, albeit with lesser exemptible credits.

Consequently, this cuts down the number of modular credits required as a graduation criteria, effectively reducing the amount of time spent in University. And the best part? Module exemptions lower your tuition fees, hence lessening your financial load!

At the end of the day, a Polytechnic diploma opens the doors to many opportunities for its graduates by giving them a head-start for a fruitful University journey ahead.  Hence if you keep an open mind and a diploma on hand, you are definitely ready to embark on the next chapter of your life!