29 Dec 2020

10 New Year’s Resolutions for Learners

2021 is coming, and most of us are writing our New Year’s Resolutions (though with indifferent expectations as to whether we’ll succeed). As you go down your list, why not add some learning-related resolutions to accomplish in 2021?
Upskilling and upgrading yourself is a never-ending journey, so there is no better time to begin or re-assess what you want to discover next.
Try these New Year’s Resolutions for learners to get some clear targets for 2021:

  1. I will learn a new language
  2. I will try a course in a subject unrelated to my work or hobbies
  3. I will take up a professional course to improve my work performance/desirability as a jobseeker
  4. I will fully attend whatever courses I sign up for
  5. I will download and use an App to help learn
  6. I will teach what I learn to someone else
  7. I will make a connection with someone from one of my studies/courses
  8. I will read a book about learning
  9. I will complete my course assignments on time
  10. I will apply what I learnt in my daily life
As you learn, you also discover that you can do so much more with that learning! Here’s to a 2021 full of new passions and adventures!