27 Jun 2016

How to Get Ahead of Your Competition

The harsh reality is that a bachelor’s degree no longer carries the same weight it once did. As more graduate with a bachelor’s degree, job competition has increased in the past decade. While degrees may be a pre-requisite for many positions, employers today look beyond educational qualifications when hiring.

Here are some ways you can outwit and outshine your competitors:

Chalk Up Experience
Given that a bachelor’s degree is now commonplace, it might not be enough to help you clinch the job you want. Prior experience in the related field can give you that slight edge when compared to fellow job candidates.

Take up internships or temporary jobs during your undergraduate years when available. They will serve more than just content to be included on your resume. Internships help give you first-hand experience on the career you are working toward, and experience gained will prove to be useful when fully entered into the workforce.

Life-Long Learning
Learning does not stop just because you are out of school. Keeping your skills relevant to the ever-changing workspace increases efficiency at work and makes you a greater asset to the company.

Take the Information Technology (IT) industry for example. Periodic skill upgrades are important as IT programs are constantly being upgraded with new features. Similarly, those in the media industry are now equipping themselves with social media skills in today’s highly connected world. 

Be sure to tap on the government subsidies available, such as the SkillsFuture Credit Scheme. The list of training courses valid with the SkillsFuture Credit can be found here.

Get a head start in your career! Head on over here to find out more.