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CSM Academy was established since 2005 as a Private Education Institute to deliver Service Management programmes with a major focus on healthcare services education. We have developed our own intellectual property programmes in Aged Care, Therapy Services, Biomedical Sciences and is partnering with renowned UK Universities - the University of Dundee and the University of Stirling to deliver their BSc Nursing and Health and the MSc in Dementia Studies respectively in Singapore for working Nurses and professionals to study part-time. To date, we have trained over thousands of staff from all Read More


WSQ Certificate in Healthcare

Singapore Workforce Skills Qualifications & CSM Academy International

About Us

CSM Academy was established since 2005 as a Private Education Institute to deliver Service Management programmes with a major focus on healthcare services education. We have developed our own intellectual property programmes in Aged Care, Therapy Services, Biomedical Sciences and is partnering with renowned UK Universities - the University of Dundee and the University of Stirling to deliver their BSc Nursing and Health and the MSc in Dementia Studies respectively in Singapore for working Nurses and professionals to study part-time.

To date, we have trained over thousands of staff from all hospitals and nursing homes in Singapore in the BSc Nursing, Certificate in Aged Care, Certificate in Therapy Services and a Diploma in Service Management whereby we placed great emphasis on application of knowledge to the workplace and skills competency. We achieved Edutrust Certification for two consecutive terms and is also an Authourised Training Organisation of the Skillsfuture Singapore whereby we deliver the WSQ Certificate in Healthcare and the WSQ Diploma/Specialist Diploma/Graduate Diploma in Clinical Research.
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