Advanced Diploma in Media and Communications

Provided by BAC College (Singapore)


Awarded by BAC College (Singapore) Pte Ltd

Course introduction


Also known as the UK Transfer Degree programme, students are given the option to complete a 2+1 (2 Years at BAC and 1 year at a partner University) . The Advanced Diploma in Media and Communications aims to provide students with the necessary skills and competencies to responsibly take on appropriate jobs with moderate autonomy within the creative communications industry. Students completing the programme will be groomed with the knowledge and skill vital to begin their journey into the creative communications industry. Incorporating the learning methodology known as Project Based Learning (PBL), the programme allows students hands-on experience public relations, advertising, marketing, film and various areas of media studies.

Duration & Intake

Programme Duration

Duration : 9 months; PT E-Learning; PT Blended Learning 

Fees & Funding

Local - Registration fees S$200, Lumpsum S$ 4000, Fee Protection Scheme: $100, Medical Insurance $70   
International student - Registration fees S$250, Lumpsum S$4000, Fee Protection Scheme: $100, Medical Insurance $70

