Speak with Confidence and Impact


Course introduction

The "Speak with Confidence and Impact" course delves into the realm of pragmatics and discourse theory to provide participants with a comprehensive understanding of effective communication. Through a combination of practical exercises, constructive feedback, and insightful theory, this course aims to boost participants' confidence and ability to make a lasting impression through their spoken words.

Participants will explore the intricacies of pragmatics, understanding how context, intent, and implicature play pivotal roles in effective communication. Additionally, discourse theory will be applied to analyze and refine spoken interactions, enabling participants to navigate various conversational contexts with finesse and precision.

Course Benefits

Upon completion of this workshop, participants will be able to;

  • Analyse an audience to choose the most relevant content and approach
  • Structure and write a powerful, easy-to-deliver, memorable presentation
  • Prepare their delivery effectively and efficiently
  • Deliver a presentation with confidence and impact
  • Speak confidently in ‘off-the-cuff’ situations
  • Make complex information easy to understand
  • Speak about unpopular or difficult topics
  • Inform an audience in a way that stimulates maximum retention
  • Persuade an audience to think differently
  • Motivate an audience to action
  • Confidently handle questions from an audience

Target Audience

Who Should Attend

  • Professionals seeking to enhance their communication skills for career advancement.
  • Students or individuals looking to build confidence in public speaking.
  • Anyone aiming to make a positive impact through their spoken communication.

Course Outline

Introduction to Report Writing

  • Understanding the importance of communication skills.
  • Applying pragmatic principles and discourse theory for effective message decoding.
  • Exercises to enhance active listening and empathetic communication.
Preparing to Write
  • Techniques for managing nervousness and anxiety.
  • Cultivating a strong and positive presence through non-verbal communication.
  • Practice sessions to boost self-assurance in speaking.
Adapting Your Message to Different Audiences
  • Understanding diverse audience needs and preferences.
  • Adapting language, tone, and content to suit different contexts.
  • Role-playing scenarios to practice audience-centric communication.
Mastering Non-Verbal Communication
  • Utilizing body language, facial expressions, and gestures effectively.
  • Establishing and maintaining eye contact and posture for confident connection and engagement.
  • Controlling voice tone and pitch for impactful delivery.
Handling Questions and Feedback
  • Strategies for responding to questions with clarity and confidence.
  • Receiving and incorporating feedback effectively.
  • Simulated Q&A sessions for practical application.
Elevating Your Presentation Skills
  • Key elements of impactful presentations (structure, visuals, etc.).
  • Tips for engaging and maintaining audience interest.
  • Final presentations with peer and instructor feedback.

Available Course Sessions

Please click here to stay updated on upcoming sessions.

Trainer Profile

Lawrence Poh

All of our Associate Trainers offer our high level of service therefore are subject to regular peer assessments and interview prior to joining our Institute. They must all be qualified and have relevant experience to an agreed level and are subjected to continual audit and evaluation. Strict internal assessment is implemented as an integral part of our quality control mechanism.

