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NTU Professional and Continuing Education (PaCE@NTU)

NTU established the Centre for Professional and Continuing Education (PaCE@NTU) in Jan 2019 to consolidate continuing education and training capabilities and expertise within the university. This is in line with the government’s emphasis on advancing adult education and professional development for Singapore’s workforce to better meet future challenges. PaCE@NTU draws upon NTU’s world-renowned faculty and strong industrial connections to develop quality programmes to equip Singapore professionals, managers and executives (PMEs) with updated knowledge and skills to keep pac Read More

Courses By NTU Professional and Continuing Education (PaCE@NTU)

EE6204: Systems Analysis (Graduate Certificate in Automation)

NTU Professional and Continuing Education (PaCE@NTU)

About Us

NTU established the Centre for Professional and Continuing Education (PaCE@NTU) in Jan 2019 to consolidate continuing education and training capabilities and expertise within the university. This is in line with the government’s emphasis on advancing adult education and professional development for Singapore’s workforce to better meet future challenges.

PaCE@NTU draws upon NTU’s world-renowned faculty and strong industrial connections to develop quality programmes to equip Singapore professionals, managers and executives (PMEs) with updated knowledge and skills to keep pace with the rapid technological changes in today’s increasingly competitive economy and industrial landscape.

PaCE@NTU offers a wide range of programmes from various disciplines, durations and learning platforms. We currently administer three Part-Time Bachelor of Engineering (B.Eng) Degree Programmes in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Computer Science to cater for Diploma holders to pursue their education qualification aspirations while working full time. Seminars, Short Courses, Semester-long Courses (credit-bearing and stackable) taken from the Undergraduate and MSc programs, E-learning and Mobile learning courses are developed and available to cater to the diverse range of individuals’ learning needs. In addition, PaCE@NTU offers Global Executive Programmes to provide industry leaders with networking opportunities and Student Immersion Programmes for students to learn while experiencing the Singapore culture. We also develop In-house Training programmes to meet clients’ organisational learning needs.

PaCE@NTU aims to support working adults and its NTU Alumni to update, upskill and reskill in their lifelong learning journey to attain their professional goals and personal educational aspirations.
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