BSc in Facilities and Events Management (Part Time)

Provided by BCA Academy, Building and Construction Authority

Course introduction


UniSIM, together with BCA Academy and Singapore Polytechnic’s School of in-Built Environment and Design, designed an innovative programme that integrates the fields of Facilities Management (FM) with Events Management (EM).

FM is a broad field of study and practice that requires some engineering knowledge as an essential backdrop to management know-how. It covers competency areas like operations and management, real estate, human and environmental factors, planning, project management, leadership, finance, quality assessment, innovation, communication, and technology.

On the other hand, EM is seemingly more management in practice. Apart from specialised knowledge in the EM, some of the required management skill sets are similar to those in FM.

By having a programme that integrates facilities expertise with events management, students will be equipped with a firm foundation in leadership, planning, design, financials, communication and management skills together with the essential specialised EM and FM technology areas. This will ensure they have flexible career options and have the knowledge in large scale events management and green building management.

This programme seeks to capitalise on the overlapped areas to groom professionals who will function well in either Events Management or Facilities Management. By training students with knowledge in both EM and FM, this integrated programme will readily appeal to professionals in both events and facilities management as their jobs are very often critically affected by important events in the buildings and facilities that they have to manage. This firm foundation will provide graduates the flexibility in the eventual choice of a career as they can operate proficiently in both professions.

Who Should Attend
This programme is for you if you:

* Are currently looking for a new, exciting and interesting discipline for study
* Are currently working in an industry in either EM or FM or in related areas and wish to upgrade from diploma to degree level
* Are current cohorts of EM-related or FM-related students in your final year of diploma (or certificate) study who have aspirations to move to a degree programme after graduation
* Are currently working in other non-related professions and who have graduated with a diploma (or similar) in EM-related or FM-related areas of study
* Are a degree-holder who is currently working in another industry and who have an interest in pursuing a career in EM or FM
* Are currently working in an industry in either EM or FM or in related areas and wish to upgrade your knowledge through specific courses offered under the programme
* Have obtained good ‘A’ level passes and who are interested in a career in EM or FM or in affiliated professions

Programme Structure
This programme has an honours option. Students who achieve a CGPA of 3.5 and above upon completion of their basic degree will be invited to enroll in the Honours programme.

To graduate with a basic degree, students are required to complete a total of 130 credit units (cu) of courses, inclusive of 10 cu of university core courses. A total of 170 cu is required to graduate with honours, inclusive of 10 cu of university core courses.

Fees & Funding

Please enquire below for course fees and financial grants:

