Diploma in Business Management

Provided by SMF Institute of Higher Learning

Course introduction


Awarded by SMa Institute of Higher Learning

In Singapore, the Business and Management courses rank amongst the top choices of study at both the polytechnics, as well as, the universities. This is due to generally promising employment prospects for those who have a business management degree as employers are increasingly looking for skilled professionals who can organise, develop, and lead teams in an organisation.
The SMa Institute Diploma in Business Management aims to develop the knowledge, skills and professional practices that will enable you to undertake a range of roles in the business, accounting, marketing, human resource management, as well as, banking and finance sectors. The programme also provides a rigorous theoretical and practical knowledge base that prepares graduates for further Higher Education studies. 
Structure & Content
To qualify for the award of Diploma in Business Management, students are required to complete five (5) core units and four (4) electives.
Core Units

GN101      Academic Literacy
BA101      Principles of Management
BA102      Principles of Marketing
BA103      Principles of Accounting
BA104      Principles of Economics
Students are encouraged to take the recommended elective combination for the following disciplines, to be eligible for advanced standing consideration in the Bachelor of Business by Edith Cowan University, Australia or the Bachelor of Arts by University of Central Lancashire, UK.
Electives for Accounting / Marketing

LAW1100    Legal Framework I
BA109         Business Communication
BA111         Introduction to Information Technology
BA117         Applied Corporate Finance
Electives for Human Resource Management / Management

BA109      Business Communication
BA111      Introduction to Information Technology
BA108      Human Resource Management
BA117      Applied Corporate Finance
Electives for Hospitality Management / Tourism Management

BA108      Human Resource Management
BA109      Business Communication
BA111      Introduction to Information Technology
HT101      Introduction to Tourism
Electives for Retail Management

PS104      Critical Thinking in Social Psychological Context
PS108      Self-awareness & Group Dynamics
BA106      Quantitative Methods
BA113      Marketing Research & Information
Upon completion of the Diploma programme, graduates will be eligible for entry into the Edith Cowan University Bachelor of Business with advanced standing of up to eight (8) units, or the University of Central Lancashire Bachelor of Arts programme with advanced standing of up to six (6) units, or the Griffith University Bachelor of Business and Bachelor of Commerce with advanced standing of up to eight (8) units, or the Deakin University Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor of Management with advanced standing of up to eight (8) units.
Entry Requirements
Applicants should possess one (1) of the following:

  • Full GCE ‘A‘ level, OR
  • ITE Higher Nitec, OR
  • High School Qualification equivalent to Year Twelve (12) in the case of international students, OR
  • SMa Institute Certificate in Foundation Studies, OR
  • Recognised Certificate, OR
  • Aged 21 & above (Mature Age Entry) with acceptable work experience and can demonstrate satisfactory capacity for tertiary study.
Applicant must also demonstrate proficiency in the English Language (EL1) or its equivalent:
  • GCE ‘O‘ Level with Grade C6 & above; OR
  • IELTS minimum band score of 5.5 - (Reading and Listening 5.5) and (Writing and Speaking 5.0); OR
  • TOEFL score of at least 525 (paper-based) or 200 (computer-based) or 70 (Internet-based)

Fees & Funding

Please enquire below for course fees and financial grants:

