11 May 2015

Gaining an Edge with a Postgraduate Degree

We need to face the facts – a Bachelor’s degree is now the de facto norm. You can no longer expect a degree to secure you the job of your dreams, and will often have to compete with other degree holders for the same jobs. And as the proportion of university graduates in the working population increases, you can only expect the competition to get tougher.

But if a bachelor’s degree no longer confers the competitive edge it used to, what then? 

A postgraduate degree will allow you to stand out among your peers and equip you with skills relevant to the workplace. With degrees in practical fields such as applied finance and wealth management, you will appear as a more qualified and competent candidate and be armed with practical skills that you can apply to your work.

Become a Specialist in Your Field
Regardless of whether you are a fresh graduate deciding between the workforce or a higher degree; or a mid-career professional, a postgraduate degree will enable you to further your knowledge in your field of choice. Many employers often value employees with an intimate knowledge of their chosen field or industry. A postgraduate degree is a great way to mark yourself as one such specialist, and employers are more likely to entrust you with greater responsibilities and key projects.

But if you are a working professional who finds that your career progression has slowed, a postgraduate degree can also be a great way to jumpstart your career and display your drive for self-improvement. Perhaps you require more in-depth knowledge to move forward in your career? Either way, a higher degree offers better prospects for quicker career advancement in certain industries, and you’ll have the added assurance of being better qualified than your competition.

Skills for the Workplace
In addition, there are certain postgraduate degrees that aim to equip students with specific skills for the workplace. For example, a Master of Science in Quantitative Finance will equip you with the real-world skills you need to do well as a trader.

If you are a fresh graduate with next to no experience in your industry, a similar postgraduate degree could help prepare you for the workplace and enable you to start higher up the ladder after you graduate. Alternatively, as a working professional, you will be empowered with new and updated skills and demonstrate that you are ready to take on additional challenges.

In addition, a postgraduate degree could help facilitate a move to another industry for those of you who desire a change of scenery. With postgraduate degrees designed expressly for professionals, you can look forward to new or enhanced prospects after graduating.

Personal Growth and Development
Finally, a postgraduate degree offers ample room for you to grow and develop on both a personal and professional level. As a student fresh out of your undergraduate studies, you’ll be excused for feeling unprepared to join the workforce. A postgraduate degree could provide you with both the time and opportunities to mature as a person and better understand your own interests.

That’s not to say that mid-career professionals cannot benefit from the developmental opportunities offered by a postgraduate degree as well. Learning never stops, and a postgraduate degree could give you a welcome break from working life and help you rediscover yourself.

So regardless of whether you’re a fresh graduate struggling with painful indecision as to your next move or a working professional hoping to give your career an additional boost, a postgraduate degree should definitely be at the top of your list of options!

Browse more postgraduate course listings here!