Developing Frontline Leaders


Course introduction

"Developing Frontline Leaders" is a dynamic and comprehensive 2-day workshop designed to empower emerging front-runners with the essential skills and mindset to excel in their roles. This program focuses on cultivating leadership qualities specific to frontline positions, equipping participants with the tools needed to navigate challenges, inspire teams, and drive results. Through engaging sessions and practical exercises, attendees will embark on a transformative learning journey to enhance their leadership capabilities and make a lasting impact within their organizations.

This workshop provides a holistic approach to developing frontline leaders, blending theory with practical application to ensure participants leave with actionable insights and a strengthened leadership skill set.

Course Benefits

Upon completion of this workshop, participants will be able to;

  • Leadership Foundations: Build a solid understanding of fundamental leadership principles tailored to frontline roles.
  • Effective Communication: Hone communication skills crucial for leading teams, resolving conflicts, and fostering a positive work environment.
  • Problem Solving and Decision-Making: Develop strategic thinking and decision-making abilities to address challenges encountered in frontline leadership.
  • Team Collaboration: Learn techniques to inspire and motivate teams, fostering a culture of collaboration and productivity.
  • Performance Management: Gain insights into performance evaluation, feedback delivery, and strategies for enhancing team performance.
  • Personal Leadership Development: Explore self-awareness, resilience, and continuous improvement to foster personal and professional growth.

Target Audience

Team leaders, People Managers, Managers of managers, Senior Leadership Teams, Professionals seeking both professional and personal growth.

Course Outline

1. Foundations of Frontline Leadership
Defining leadership in a frontline context
Role clarity and expectations
Traits and qualities of successful frontline leaders

2. Effective Communication for Leaders
Importance of clear and concise communication
Active listening and feedback techniques
Communicating with influence and impact

3. Problem Solving and Decision-Making
Analyzing challenges in frontline leadership
Decision-making frameworks
Case studies and practical problem-solving exercises

4. Team Collaboration and Motivation
Building and leading high-performing teams
Motivational strategies for frontline leaders
Conflict resolution and team dynamics

5. Performance Management
Setting expectations and goals
Providing constructive feedback
Performance evaluation and improvement plans

6. Personal Leadership Development
Self-awareness and emotional intelligence
Resilience in leadership
Creating a personal development plan for ongoing growth

Available Course Sessions

Please click here to stay updated on upcoming sessions.

