Creating Structured Agendas with Productive Minutes


Course introduction

This one-day course focuses on equipping participants with the skills to create effective structured agendas and take comprehensive, productive meeting minutes.

By mastering these essential skills, participants will enhance meeting efficiency and ensure valuable discussions are documented for future reference.

Course Benefits

Upon completion of this workshop, participants will be able to;

  • Understand the Importance of an Effective Agenda
  • Checklist to Prepare for a meeting
  • Recognize the Challenges in Minute taking
  • Hone Fundamentals Skills needed in Writing Minutes
  • Transcribe meeting discussions succinctly
  • Develop effective Follow Up Techniques

Target Audience

This program is designed for executives, team leaders, supervisors, project members, secretaries, managers, and professionals from various industries seeking to enhance their meeting management and documentation skills.

Course Outline

Module 1: Introduction to Effective Agendas
Purpose and benefits of structured agendas
Common pitfalls to avoid in agenda creation
Techniques for active listening and note-taking

Module 2: Elements of a Successful Agenda
Key components: Objectives, topics, time allocation, participants
Prioritizing agenda items for maximum impact

Module 3: Techniques for Time Management
Setting realistic timeframes for agenda items
Strategies for keeping discussions on track

Module 4: Taking and Formatting Productive Meeting Minutes
Structuring and formatting meeting minutes for clarity and usefulness
Etiquettes in recording using electronic devices
Distributing and archiving meeting minutes for future reference

Module 5: Facilitation and Engagement Strategies
Techniques for engaging participants
Handling challenging situations

Module 6: Case Studies and Practical Exercises
Analyzing effective agendas and meeting minutes
Hands-on exercises in agenda creation and minute-taking

Available Course Sessions

Please click here to stay updated on upcoming sessions.

Trainer Profile

Lawrence Poh

All of our Associate Trainers offer our high level of service therefore are subject to regular peer assessments and interview prior to joining our Institute. They must all be qualified and have relevant experience to an agreed level and are subjected to continual audit and evaluation. Strict internal assessment is implemented as an integral part of our quality control mechanism.

